Songs of Fall

Many years ago I wrote this piece for a website that no longer exists. I still like it so I’m pasting it here. Enjoy.

Eric Forseth
5 min readApr 25, 2023

The following songs are autumn themed. Not just in the name, but in the core of their existence. Well, I guess “September Gurls” doesn’t (really) and the Beach Boys song is more about their band then the season of fall or the departure of summer — either way, it’s appropriate enough and it’s a good song. Each song has been chosen because a) it’s an excellent song b) it’s seasonally apropos and c) lyrics from each can be used to construct the story of a drunken man who is reflecting on his life — to somebody or no one at all. Maybe he’s on a porch in northern Minnesota. Perhaps there’s a dog beside him and he’s holding a glass of bourbon. For sure he’s delivering his Rick Blaine, Casablanca style, rant in the fall.

Ryan Adams song, “Nuclear”, is the lead track off the album Demolition — an album of misfit tracks he released in 2002. Adams has said he doesn’t like the record but compared to the monotony of his new stuff the tracks off Demolition are special. “Nuclear” kicks things off with the line “This is where the summer ends.” RA delivers it with some earnestness and it sets the tone for a diverse, interesting album of orphan tracks.



Eric Forseth

I like writing so I write. I dabble in humor, fiction, short stories, observations and things I’ve learned.